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Edit Menu
Undo R Amiga-Z
Cut R Amiga-X
Copy R Amiga-C
Paste R Amiga-V
Play Menu
Play Song R Amiga-P
Play Section R Amiga-S
Stop Play R Amiga-Q
Resume Play R Amiga-R
Begin Section R Amiga-Shift-<
End Section R Amiga-Shift->
Note Menu
Up Half Step R Amiga-U
Down Half Step R Amiga-J
Up Level R Amiga-I
Down Level R Amiga-K
Up Octave R Amiga-O
Down Octave R Amiga-L
Half Time R Amiga-H
Double Time R Amiga-D
Flip Note Stem R Amiga-F
Set Play Style R Amiga-Y
Groups Menu
Tie Notes (UP) R Amiga-T
Beam Notes R Amiga-B
1 Selects a whole note
2 Selects a half note
3 Selects a quarter note
4 Selects an eighth note
5 Selects a sixteenth note
6 Selects a thirty-second note
(Press the Shift key at the same time you type each number key
to select the corresponding rest.)
Eraser X
Mod Clr C
Arrow F10
I-beam '
Time Modifiers
Dot D
Triplet L
Quintuplet V
Flat B
Natural N
Sharp R
Dynamic Modifiers
ppp p-p-p
pp p-p
p p
mp m-p
(and so forth)
To change a note's duration or time modifier, first select
a note or group of notes, then hold down the ALT key while
clicking the new note duration or time modifier in the Note
You can also use a Note Palette keyboard shortcut in
conjuction with the ALT key shortcut. The ALT key technique
doesn't work with dynamic modifiers or accidentals.
To remove time modifiers, select the note or notes, then
hold down the ALT key while clicking MOD CLR, or pressing C.
Press the Space Bar to freeze the display at any point
during the playback.
Press DEL to delete selected notes, groups of notes, or
Copy a selected note or chord by holding down the ALT key,
then dragging the selected note or chord horizontally.
New Score, Open Score, Save, Save As, Revert, and Print Score
all act as you might expect.
Set Print Pause
Causes the printer to pause after printing a page of music
so you can advance to the next sheet of paper, and also lets you
specify the number of staffs (staff sets) that print per page.
Show Memory
This window contains information about the amount of RAM
available for your composition. The first line tells how much
memory you still have availabe. The second line tells how much
memory is currently being used by the song itself. The third
line tells how much memory is being used by instruments. The
fourth line tells how much memory is being used by teh
Clipboard. The fifth line describes the 'memory level' of the
program as a number from one to five - the gigher the number,
the more memory available. If the memory level falls to three
or below, you should be especially careful about saving your
score. If you find that you are running short of memory and
still have a considerable amount of work remaining, you should
consider splitting the composition into two files to avoid the
risk of running out of memory.
Save as SMUS File
Lets you save a score in SMUS-IFF format. The Open Score
command can also open scores written in SMUS-IFF format.
Reverses your most recent action in the Edit, Notes, or
Measures Menu. It also reverses your most recent musical entry
or deletion. Undo does not reverse Cut. Use Paste to undo a
Removes all selected notes and rests from the score and
places them on the Clipboard. Measures to the right of the cut
measure move left and fill in areas that are emptied by the cut.
Copies all the selected notes and rests to the
Clipboard(replacing the Clipboard's current contents). Unlinke
Cut, Copy doesn't remove anything from the score.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your Score at
the insertion point. If notes are selectd in the score when you
use Paste, the Clipboard contents replace the selected passage
(think of it as "pasting over" the selection).
If the Clipboard contains less than a measure, Paste puts
the Clipboard contents in the measure containing the insertion
point or in the first measure containing a selection. If the
resulting measure contains more beats than the time signature
calls for, the notes or rests for those beats are dimmed.
If the Clipboard contents begin or end with a full measure,
the pasted material will begin or end with a measure bar. If
the Clipbord contains material for miltiple measures , the
content is pasted exactly as it is in the Clipboard, measure
bars and all.
If the Clipboard contians material from more than one
staff, the Clipboard contents are pasted downward into the
corresponding staffs. For example,if Staff One and Two are
copied to the Clipboard, then the insertion point is placed in
Staff Two. The Clipboard contents will be pasted into Staff Two
and Three. Paste does not add staffs to accommodeate the
selection on the Clipboard. If there aren't enough staffs for
all of the Clipboard, only the portion that can be accommodated
by the score is pasted.
If Two Tracks Per Staff is used while the Clipboard
contains one track, the track into which teh Clipboard is pasted
is determined by the direction of the note stem in the Note
Palete Change Track control. If you Paste into a track that
already contains music, the Clipboard contents are inserted
ahead of teh existing music.
Removes the current selection like Cut, but doesn't copy to
the Clipboard.
Select All
Selects all the music in the score.
This is the main composition window and appears onscreen
with the Note Palete and Piano Keyboard when you start DMCS. A
DMCS score, like standard sheet music, contains one or more
staffs, which in turn contain the notes, time signature, clif,
key, dynamics, lyrics, chords, and othe information that combine
to describe a piece of music.
Entering Notes In The Score
You can enter notes in three ways:
By selecting notes from the Note Palette and clicking
directly in the score;
By using Insert Notes in Score and clicking keys in
the Piano Keyboard window;
By using a MIDI device (such as a keyboard) connected
to the Amiga with a MIDI Interface.
Clicking on the diagonal arrow in the Noe Palette changes
the pointer into an arrow, which you can use to select notes.
you select notes by clicking them with the arrow, or by dragging
a selection box around them. The last note you enter in a score
is selected until another note is entered or selected.
Insertion Point
The insertion point is a flashing vertical line that
indicates where material pasted from the Clipboard or inserted
from the Piano Keyboard appears, and where various commands from
the menus will take effect. Move the insertion point by
clicking the arrow at any point in the score.
Bars Per Line
Controls the number of measures (1 to 10) on a line and how
many will be printed per line on paper.
Beats Per Minute
Lets you tell the program how fast to play music in the
score. If you use this control during playback, the change will
be heard immediately.
Score Width
Lets you set the width of a paged score to any setting
between 40 and 1000. The Screen Width gadget sets the score
width so that all the bars per line called for in that setting
can be seen in the Score window. The Printer Width gadget sets
the score to a width which will produce a printed score with 1/4
inch margins on 8-1/2 by 11 paper. The width is measured in
pixels. There are 72 pixels in an inch.
Lets you control the overall volumne level of the playback.
Paged Score
A highlighted Paged Score gadget tells the program to
display the music as it will appear when printed instead of as a
score which scrolls continuously from left to right.
2 Tracks Per Staff
A highlighted 2 Tracks per Staff gadget sets the score so
that two separate rhythmic tracks of music can be entered in
each staff.
Show Play Styles
Ther are sixteen numbered play styles controlled from the
Notes menu. The style numbers appear on the score if you click
the Show Play Styles gadget.
Choose Staff Number
Lets you tell the program which staff you want the other
settings in the lower half of the window to apply to. The top
staff is number 1, the next is number 2, etc. up to 8.
Treble, Bass, Tenor, and Alto Clefs
Let you choose the beginning clef for the staff indicated
by the Choose Staff Number control. You can change Clefs within
a staff by using the Change Clef command in the Measures menu.
Add Staff
Adds a staff to the score. (New staffs always appear with
a treble clef. Be sure to use the clef setting to pick the clef
you want). Scores can contain up to 8 staffs.
Delete Staff
Removes the staff indicated by the Choose Staff Number box.
Staff Sound On
Turns the sound on and off for particular staffs during
playback. First pick the staff you want with Choose Staff
Number, then click the gadget off to turn off the sound for that
staff. Click again to turn the sound on again. By turning the
sound on or off for each staff, you can listen to those parts of
a score which you choose without hearing the other parts.
Hide Staff
Activate this gadget to hide the staff selected in the
Choose Staff Number control. To work on an individual part or
to print one or severalparts of a larger piece of music at a
time, use this control. Text inserted above or below a staff is
hidden when the staff is hidden.
Hide Instruments
Click this gadget to hide all the instrument names for the
staff indicated by the Choose Staff Number control.
Hide Clef/Key
Click this gadget to hide the clef and key signature for
the staff indicated by the Choose Staff Number control.
Space Above Staff & Space Below Staff
Lets you determine how much space appears above and below
each staff to get the needs of your music. Changes made here
are instantly reflected on the screen. If you are planning to
include lyrics in a score, add the extra space for your lyrics
with these controls. The available space is measured in pixels.
A standard note head is 5 pixels high.
Normal, Play 1 Octave High, Play 1 Octave Low
Select the appropriate gadget to change the pitch of all
notes on a selected staff.
The top part of this window contains notes and rests of
varying durations, while the bottom part contains most of the
note modifiers used in standard music notation, including time
modifiers such as triplets and quintuplets accidentals such as
sharps and flats, and dynamic modifiers from ppp to fff. The
middle part contains the following tools you will need as you
Use the arrow for selecting from menus or window, including
the Note Palette, or for selecting notes or larger section of a
score (see Editing with the Note Palette for more information on
selecting from the score). To make a selection from the Note
Palette, point and click. The most recently selected item will
be displayed in read. Other selections which remain active are
displayed with a red border. The arrow is also used for moving
the insertion point throughout the score, clicking onscreen
controls, and selecting commands from the menus.
When you click an item in the Note Palette, the pointer
takes the shape of the selected item (as well as any other
active selections - for example a dotted, sharped eight note).
If one or more items from the note palette have already been
selected and the pointer appears as the selected items, click
the arrow to get the arrow back.
Mod Clr
Turns off all modifier selections simultaneously.
Use the eraser to remove notes (including individual notes
in a chord), rests, and dynamic modifiers from the score by
first selecting the eraser and then clicking on a note, rest or
dynamic modifier with it. The eraser does not remove
accidentals or time modifiers.
Click the I-beam to insert text. Dragging with the I-beam
creates a text box. Clicking inside the box sets the insertion
point. Cut, Paste and Copy are supportd when DMCS is inserting
text. To move a box, drag it by the handle on the upper left.
To resize one, drag the handle on the lower right. To re-select
a box, click any of its text. Text is considered by DMCS to be
connected to the staff which is closest to the center of the
text box and will be hidden when that staff is hidden.
Change Tracks
Click here to change the track on a staff which has two
tracks per staff turned on from the Score Setup window. The
notes of Track One are entered with the note stem up, while the
notes of Track Two are entered stem down.
Working On The Score From The Note Palette
To insert a note or rest, make a selection from the Note
Palette, and then point to a spot on the Score and click. The
note will be added to the staff to the right of the note to the
immediate left of that spot. As described in the Entering notes
in the score, horizontal placement will depend on the durationof
the note entered and the number of beats already inserted into
the measure. If you drage the mouse vertically, the pitch of
the note will go up or down to reflect its position on the staff
and the tone being sounded will change to reflect the position
of the staff.
Add A Premodified Note To The Staff
By first selecting the modifier and then the note, then
clicking on the staff.
Dynamic Modifiers
ff, mf, etc., are selected from the Note Palette and are
applied to the staff position rather than notes.
Are added by selecting from the Note Palette and clicking
the note you want to modify. To change an accidental already
inserted into the score, simply choose a different accidental an
click over the accidental you wish to change. DMCS
automatically hides accidentals that are assigned by the key
signature unless an earlier note in the measure has been
modified with an accidental.
Select individual notes or chords in the score by clicking on
them. Select groups of notes and chords by draggin a selection
box around them. Use commands in the Edit, Notes and Groups
menus to act on selected notes.
Select larger sections of a score by clicking on a
notehead, scrolling to the desired position in the score, and
then clicking on another notehead while holding down the Shift
key. If the second note selected is on a different staff, then
all the staffs between the two selection points will be
Remove individual notes or rests by selecting them with the
pointer and pressing Delete. Or choose the Eraser and click the
notehead. Or use the Cut command.
Change the duration notes in the score by selecting a note
or notes with the arrow, holding down the Alt key, and clicking
on the appropriate box in the Note Palette (or using keyboard
Add dots, triplets, and quintuplets to individual notes by
selecting the time modifier and then pointing and clicking on
the notehead you wish to modify.
Add dots, triplets, and quintuplets to groups of notes in a
score by selecting the notes with the arrow, holding down the
Alt key, and clicking on the appropriate box in the Note Palette
(or using keyboard shortcuts). Press the Alt key, and clicking
on the appropriate box in the Note Palette (or using keyboard
shortcuts). Press the Alt key again and click the appropriate
box in the Note Palette again to remove the modifier.
Change accidentals (sharps, flats, and naturals) by placing
anew accidental over an existing accidental.
Change dynamic modifer settings (p,pp,ff,etc.) already
inserted in the score, by holding down the Right Amiga key and
clicking on a dynamic modifier in the score with the arrow. A
requester appears on the screen. Select any number from 0 to
127. The volume of the selected dynamic modifer will be
Insert Notes In Score
Clicking on the Insert notes in the score box on the piano
keyboard turns the note insertion function on or off. When it
is on, notes at the corresponding pitch will be inserted into
the score as you play the piano with your mouse. Be sure to use
the arrow to select the insertion point in the score before you
start playing the piano. The note duration value is determined
by the selection in the Note Palette. ( You can use the
keyboard shortcuts to quickly change the duration of piano ntes
as you play). DMCS automatically draws the bar lines and
creates new measurs when you insert notes into the score with
the Piano Keyboard, however, it does not automatically scroll
the score when new measures are added past the boundaries of the
Score window - use the scroll bars to manually bring new
measures into view.
Single Notes
This gadget sets the Piano Keyboard so that only single
notes are inserted when you click the piano keys.
Click the Chords gadget to tell the program that you want
to insert several notes at the same vertical position to make a
Use Advance to move the insertion point to the next
available position in the staff when Chords is activated.
Insert Rest
Click this box to insert a rest instead of a note. Change
the duration of a rest in the same way as you would change the
duration of a note.
If Two Tracks per Staff is turned on the Score Setup
window, notes are entered in the track indicated by the
direction of the note stems in the Note Palette.
The keyboard makes the sound of the instrument checked in
the Sounds menu. To change the play style for the keyboard
sound, use Keyboard Play Style in that same menu.
Play Song
Plays the entire song from beginning to end.
Play Section
Plays the section of the song specified with the Begin
Section and End Section marks (<< and >>). See Begin Section &
End Section below. Uses Flash Notes and Player Piano if those
commands are selectied (see below).
Stop Play
Stops the playback and returns the score to normal display.
Pressing the Space Bar also stops playback, but brings the
measure shown on the measure counter - at the bottom of the Note
Palette - into the score window, and selects the last note
Resume Play
Resumes playing the score from the measure that was playing
when you used Stop Play, or pressed the Space Bar.
Begin Section & End Section
Define a specific section for playback with the Play
Section command. Begin Section marks the measure containing the
insertion point, or a selection, with an international open
quote (<<). End Section marks the measure containing the
insetion point, or a selection, with an international close
quote (>>). The first measure of the score is always DMCS'
default section - the Begin and End Section marks always appear
above the first measure when you open a score.
Flash Notes
When Flash Notes in on,using Play Song causes the music to
flash and scroll by as the score is played. Using Stop Play
freezes the scrolling music at the last note played before the
Stop Play command was issued.
Using Play Section with Flash Notes causes each note to
flash as it plays, buy only for the section chosen.
Turn Page
A score normally advances automatically only when you lay
the music with Flash Notes selected. Selecting Turn Page keeps
the score advancing as the music plays, even is Flash Notes is
not selected.
Player Piano
Causes the corresponding keys in the Piano Keyboard window
to flash as the music plays. Bring the Piano Keyboard window to
the top before playing the song to avoid slowing down the music
during playback. The red indicates that this command is on;
select it again to turn it off.
Repeat Play
Causes the music to play continuously until you use Stop
Play. Works with Play Song, or Play Section. A check mark next
to this command indicates it is on; select it again to turn it
Up & Down Half Step
Raises or lowers the selected notes one half step, the
smallest interval in conventional Western music. (Adjacent
piano keys are one half step apart). DMCS inserts accidentals
as necessary to show the change in correct notation. These
commands produce sharps and naturals only if the key signature
contains sharps. They produce flats and naturals only if the
key signature contains flats.
Up & Down Level
Raise or lower selected notes to the next vertical position
in the staff (the next space or line). Accidentals move right
along with the notes they modify.
Up & Down Octave
Raises or lowers the selected notes a full octave (12 half
Invert Chord Up & Down
Raises the lowest tone in a chord one octave, or lowers the
highest tone in a chord one octave, respectively. If the chord
already contains the invertd note, the note being moved is
placed an octave above or below the second note in the chord.
Half Time
Halves the duration of the selected notes and rests. For
example, half notes become quarter notes. Note, half time
refers to note duration, not tempo.
Double Time
Opposite of Half Time.
Flip Note Stem
Inverts the stems of selected notes. In a one track per
staff score, DMCS automatically flips notes below the middle of
a staff up, and notes avove the middle of a staff down. If
there are two tracks per staff, notes in the first track have
their stems up, and notes in the second track have their stems
Using this command on a group of notes that have stems
pointing in both directions, aligns all the stems in the same
directions. Using the command again reverses that direction.
Set Play Style
Opens a requester box from which you can pick a play style
for selected notes. Click OK and the play style number appears
above every note it applies to (or below each not in track 2
music). you can also hide the play styles by unchecking the
Show Play Styles control in the Score Setup Window.
The Groups menu contains commands that affect selectd
groups of notes by adding or removing notation such as ties,
slurs, and beams. All commands in the Groups menu can be turned
on and off, and all act on notes which have been selected with
the arrow. To cancel a group command, you need only select one
note in the group, and use the command again. Each o f the
Groups menu commands is explained below.
Tie Notes (Up) & (Down)
Joins selected notes of the same pitch (either above or
belwo the notes), so they are played as one continuous tone.
Drag notes horizontally to improve the appearance of the tie.
When you use Tie Notes, the command is highlighted in read in
the menu to show you it is active for the selected note or
notes. To remove a tie, select one or all of the tied notes,
then select the Tie Notes command again. The red gighlight
around the command will disappear along with the tie. Tie Notes
is only command in the Groups menu which does not use additional
Beam Notes
Connects selected notes with a heavy black line. When you
use this command to beam notes, the command is highlighted in
red in the menu to let you know the command is active. You can
adjust the angle of the beam by dragging it to obtai the best
appearance. Beam Notes have no effect on the way the music
plays. Most printed orchestral music uses beams to connect
notes of the same beat. You can remove a beam in the same way
you remove a tie; select one or all of the beam notes, and
choose the Beam Notes command to deactivate the beam.
Slur Notes (Up) & (Down)
Draws a curved line over or under two or more selcted
notes, and playback glides smoothly from note to note within the
slur. Liek ties and beams, the command is gihlighted in read
when the selected notes are slurred - select the command again
to turn off the slur. The audible effect of this command is
subtle and difficult to hear with some instruments.
Crescendo & Descrescendo
Plays the selected notes successively louder (crescendo, <)
or softer (decrescendo,>). The volume change begins at the
current volume setting when the crescendo or decrescendo sign
starts, and ends with vv
vv or vv
vv unless you place a different
dynamic modifier within the >, or < sign. In that case, the
crescendo or decrescendo ends at the volume level set by the
dynamic modifier.
Octave Raise & Lower
Marks the selected notes for playback an octave higher or
lower than originally written.
Note: Operations performed with the Measures menu cannot be
Set Time Signature
Sets a time signature for all the staffs in the score,
beginning with the measure conataining the insertion point or
selection. The time signature stays in effect until you assign
a new one in a subsequent measure.
Click a number in the top row of the time signature
requester box to set the number of beats each measure will
contain. If you don't see the number you need, click the Other
scrollbar and scroll it to any whole number up to 99.
Click a number in the bottom row to set the note value that
receives one beate. (For example. 4/4 means 4 beats to the
measure, quarter note gets one beat. and 6/8 means 6 beats to
the measures, 8th note gets one beat).
Set Key Signature
Sets a key signature that takes effect beginning with the
measure containing the insertion point or selection. The key
signature stays in effect until you set a new one in a
subsequent measure.
Selecting different signatures shows your selection on the
mock measure in the upper left of the key signature requester
box. Click OK when you see the one you want.
If the affected measures contain music, click the Don't
Transpose gadget to leave the notes as they are. Click
Transpose Up or Transpose Down to move existing music up or down
to the scale of the new key.
Set Clef
Opens a requester box from which you can choose one of four
clefs: treble, bass, alto, or tenor. Click OK to assign the
selected clef to the measure containing the insertion point or
selection. The assigned clef remains in effect until you assign
a different clef to the same staff in a later measure.
Set Instrument
Assigns the selected instruments in the Sounds Menu
(including MIDI channels and presets) to the staff and measure
containing the insertion point or selection. An instrument
remains in effect for a staff until you set a different
instrument in a subsequent measure of the staff.
Set Tempo
Assigns the current Beats Per Min value from the Score
Setup window at the measure containing the insertion point or a
selection. The new setting remains in effect until you reset
tempo at a later measure. The setting appears in the score
above the staff and measure where the change takes place.
Erase Inst & Tempo
Erase the instrument and tempo setting for a number of
selected measures, or a single measure containing the insertion
Insert Measure
Inserts a blank measure (in every staff of the score) in
front of the measure containig the insertion point or selection.
Split Measure
Inserts a bar line at the insertion point, thus splitting a
measure in two.
Join Measures
Removes the bar lines that separate adjacent measures
containing the selected notes. (Selections must span tow or
more measures.)
Realign Measure
Moves the notes within a measure so they are displayed in
proportion to their duration. If a bar line has been moved,
Realign Measure restores a measure to a standard length and note
Begin & End Repeat
Inserts a Begin Repeat or End Repeat symbol in the measure
containing the insertion point or selection. DMCS plays the
music that lies between the symbols twice before proceeding to
the following measures.
1st & 2nd Ending
Used in conjunction with the repeat signs, the 1st Ending
marker can be used on any measures between the repeat signs to
say "Play this only the first time through." The 2nd Ending
marker can be used on any measures between the repeat signs that
you want played the second time through, but not the first.
Double bar
Inserts a double bar at the end of the measure containing
the insertion point or selection. A double bar marks the end of
a section of a musical composition.
Midi Channel 1
Opens a secondary menu from which you can choose one of up
to 16 different MIDI channels. The channel number currently in
use is shown in the secondary menu in read and in the MIDI
Channel # commmand in the Sounds menu. The number of channels
you can use is determined by the capabilities of your MIDI
device, consult your Owner's Manual.
Use the Set Instrument command from the Measures menu to
assign the MIDI channel and preset to a specific staff and
measure in the score. MIDI presets and channels are shown in
the score like regular DMCS instruments. You may not use the
same MIDI channel for the same measure number in different
staffs - each staff must have its own MIDI channel.
MIDI Active & MIDI Input Enabled
Turns the MIDI Port and MIDI input capability on or off.
Make sure you turn the MIDI port off before reconnecting another
device to the Amiga ports. Turn MIDI Input Enable off if you
want to play your MIDI device without inserting notes inthe
MIDI Setup
Opens a requester box in which you set the follwing MIDI
interface paramaters:
MIDI Preset
Changes the settings of the external MIDI device from
within the score. you can select a number from 0 to 128. Click
OK to confirm your entry. The number of presets you can use is
determined by the number stored in your MIDI device, consult
your Owner's Manual.
Some MIDI devices number their presets from 0 to 127, but
DMCS assigns "none" to preset 0. For this reason, you must add
one when assigning preset numbers for some devices. For
instance, to use preset 0 on a device where the presets are
numbered from 0 to 127, you would assign the preset as 1 in
DMCS. Preset 1 would be assigned as 2,2 as 3,3 as 4, and so on.
Use the Set Instrument command fromthe Measures menu to
assign the MIDI channel and preset to a specific staff and
measure in the score. MIDI presets and channels are shown in
the score like regular DMCS intruments. You may not use the
same MIDI channel for the same measure number in different
staffs - each staff must have its own MIDI channel.
Change Input Delay
Lets you contrl the Input Delay that enables DMCS to
determine the duration of notes inserted in the score from an
external MIDI device. When you play a note on the MIDI device,
the "Input Delay" is the amount of time, measured in sixtieths
of a second, that must elapse before the note changes to the
next larger note duration. For example, if you select a quarter
note from the Note Palette, and set the Input Delay to 60
(60/60ths of a second, or one second), then playing a note for
less than one second on the MIDI device inserts the note in the
score as a quarter note, holding the note for one to two seconds
changes it to a dotted quarter note, holding for two to three
seconds changes it to a half note, and so on.
Remove Instrument
Removes the selected instrument from the Sounds Menu, and
Load Instrument
Opens a requester box containing a directory of DMCS
intruments. Select the instrument you want, and click to open.
To close the requester box without loading an instrument, click
the Cancel gadget. Instruments loaded into DMCS are shown in
the top third of the Sounds menu, with a check mark in front of
the active instrument. Instruments are saved with the score.
The Load Instrument command loads instruments into the
Sounds menu only, not the score. Use Set Instrument from the
Measures menu to assign selected instruments to the score.
Using Play Song or Play Section without instruments causes DMCS
to use "First Voice".
Keyboard Play Style
Sets the play style you'll hear for the checked instrument
(including MIDI) when you click the Piano Keyboard keys.
Hints For Inserting Text And Printing
In addition to inserting lyrics in a score, you can also
use text boxes to insert non-musical information, such as
titles, copyright information, composers, and so on the top or
bottom of a score. This is very helpful for inserting the
written musical instrutions that often appear in the upper left-
hand corner of a composition.
Experiment with the white space above and below the staff
(controlled from the Score Setup window), to create the most
aesthetic layout, and to give yourelf enough room for lyrics or
other text.
More Hints On Editing And Fine Tuning
Eliminate a note in a chord by dragging it vertically until
it merges with another note. Dragging notes changes their tone
by scale steps (eight to an octave), so a sharp or flat note
will only merge with another note if the accidental is removed.
Use "Two Tracks per Staff" when notes of different
durations are played at the same time in one staff. For
instance, if one note of a chord lets up while others are
sustained, insert the note of shorter duration on the second
You can issure a global Beam command by using Select All in
the Edit menu, then selecting Beam Notes from the Groups menu.